Shopping the Perimeter of the Grocery Store

The holidays are here, and that means more food shopping. It also means you have more temptations to splurge on sugary treats or time-saving processed foods.

You've probably heard that shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is a strategy for eating more healthfully. Let's explain this idea for just a moment. What is usually located around the perimeter and why is it more healthy?

Thinking of a typical grocer, the first thing you see beyond the entrance are the fresh, colorful displays of fruits and vegetables. They entice the eye and if you go to the store hungry, which you shouldn't do of course, the colorful foods are likely to drive the body's digestive responses into start-up mode.

The next area around the perimeter might be the meat department. While you can make a lot of unhealthy choices here; organic and grass-fed lean meats, poultry, and fish are best bets.

Traveling along our path to the dairy department, low-fat milks and cheeses are good choices, along with fresh, free-range, organic eggs.

Next up, bakery items. This area can be tricky, because you have to be a sleuth to locate the hidden whole-grain gems among the loaves of white flour products. Persevere you must however, because YOU aren't going to be one of those New Year's Resolution failures. You've resolved to NOT gain the extra-holiday-five-pounds in the first place.

If you are striving for a healthy diet, you should have most of the ingredients you need for healthy meals after these four grocery store areas. However, we do have to quickly venture into the interior of the store for a few needed items. The dreaded baking aisle, full of sugary empty calories, is our next stop. Keep your eyes straight ahead, and grab whole-wheat flour, corn meal and your favorite extra-virgin olive oil, avoiding mixes in boxes and bags and pouches that are little diet saboteurs. While on this aisle, pick up any nuts you need as they are a great source of protein and healthy fat.

Another quick venture into the condiment aisle for olives, roasted peppers, jalapenos....pick your fave here, but be careful! Check labels for added sugar, salt and artificial (weird-sounding) ingredients.

Hopefully this completes our journey through the grocery. Pat yourself on the back if you've resisted the dangers, checked labels and completed your mission with victory! If you save a few dollars, you get extra points.


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